Non-profit/Educational license information

Non-profit license information

Are you interested to have a Non-Profit/Educational license?

The ARCHLine.XP Non-Profit license is for non-commercial groups or individuals who would be eligible to use ARCHLine.XP free of charge for educational purposes.

To use an ARCHLine.XP Non-Profit license, you need to register an account and provide your name, contact details and email address which will be used to generate and deliver your license key.

The ARCHLine.XP Non-Profit licenses are issued for a period of 2 months by default and may be renewed for an additional period upon request.

Non-Profit licenses are ideal for individuals who want to learn CAD design, students and academic groups.

How can I get an ARCHLine.XP Non-Profit license?

  1. Download and install the Trial version
  2. Click on the ‘Get a Non-Profit version’ button when the software starts
  3. Your browser will navigate you to ARCHLine.XP Non-Profit registration website.
  4. Press here the button ‘ARCHLine ID’ to obtain your Non-profit license.
  5. Restart the ARCHLine.XP software.

Can I get support when I use Non-Profit license?

Yes you can contact us via email Business day CET 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.  We recommend to visit our Video Tutorials on our website, where you can access a range of free information, including tutorials, videos and users project examples.