When your purchase an ARCHLine.XP LT license, you receive an email from Cadline or local reseller that contains your license details, which include the serial number.

If you can’t find this message by searching your email messages or by looking in your email software’s spam or junk folder, you can retrieve your license information online.

If you have downloaded, installed, and activated ARCHLine.XP LT, follow the next steps to retrieve your license information:

To find your ARCHLine.XP LT license information, please do the following:

  1. Launch ARCHLine.XP LT.
  2. Browse to the Help menu at the right-top of your screen.
  3. Select About from the drop-down menu.
  4. You’ll see the dialog box. Here you find the Serial number.

Press the Save as button to save all info into a .txt file.